I blog primarily over at "geosciblog" (http://geosciblog.blogspot.com), I am doing this one for fun. It is inspired by 30+ years of beer can collecting and having tried more than 3,000 different American beers during that time. “. . . And beer was drunk with reverence, as it ought to be.” — G. K. Chesterton

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

140 Flavors for 140 Days...

Despite being too busy to blog as often as I should, I have been able to keep up with my goal of trying at least 365 new beers (or this year's versions of seasonals).

May 20th is the 140th day of the year and I have tried 140 different beers. I got behind late in April, but have gotten caught up in May. The most recent ale that I tried was Thomas Creek Pump House Porter, from SC, which was pretty good, it could almost pass for a stout. I have probably a dozen or so bottles stashed in the pantry that I haven't tried yet, so if I don't get out to any brewpubs in the near future, that is OK.

A side goal was trying to visit a different brewpub every month, but I missed going to one in April, so I have 4 so far this year. If we get to travel after Memorial Day, I may get to go to one or two while on the road. Maybe TX, maybe OK, maybe KS. Maybe all.

I will try to get back to posting the individual brands tried for each month.

Glad I stumbled (well, not literally) upon your blog. Very enjoyable read!

I am still keeping up with my brew count, I may be a few beers ahead as of today.

I will try to write about it later.
Great blog!
I enjoy a lot.
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