I blog primarily over at "geosciblog" (http://geosciblog.blogspot.com), I am doing this one for fun. It is inspired by 30+ years of beer can collecting and having tried more than 3,000 different American beers during that time. “. . . And beer was drunk with reverence, as it ought to be.” — G. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Recap of Growth for Spoetzl Brewing Co. for 2005

The Shiner family of products seemed to do well in calendar year 2005, according to this article posted on the Shiner Beer website.

To follow-up on the Shiner 96 that debuted last fall, there will be a different Shiner 97 this year.

Hope things continue to go well for the last of the original Texas breweries, as they count down towards their centennial in 2009.
I never could find the Shiner 96 last year. I'll have to be more diligent to try to find the 97. Nice to see some new info here.
When I find out what the Shiner 97 will be, I will advise. I did see some Shiner 96 on sale here recently (June 2006), but I don't know if it was a new batch or some leftover.

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