I blog primarily over at "geosciblog" (http://geosciblog.blogspot.com), I am doing this one for fun. It is inspired by 30+ years of beer can collecting and having tried more than 3,000 different American beers during that time. “. . . And beer was drunk with reverence, as it ought to be.” — G. K. Chesterton

Monday, November 14, 2005

A Few Louisiana Beer Updates

Today, on an older post, someone asked about Dixie Brewing Co. and whether it survived Hurricane Katrina.

I did some searching and found a discussion thread on ProBrewer.com and found this info (paraphrased):

The Dixie Brewing Company was submerged under 8 to 10 feet of water and heavy damage was done to the packaging area and all of the inventory in the warehouse was destroyed (10,000 cases of beer). The brewhouse and other equipment was on the second floor and sustained less damage. There were plans as of early October to rebuild and resume brewing. In the meantime, a contract brewer may produce Dixie products. Contract brewers under consideration were Spoetzl (Shiner, TX), City Brewing Co. (LaCrosse, WI), and D.G. Yuengling (Tampa, FL). This link to BreweryAge.com has more info on this and other stories.

I also found info about a new microbrewery in Covington, LA, Heiner Brau, that brews mostly German-style lagers.
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