I blog primarily over at "geosciblog" (http://geosciblog.blogspot.com), I am doing this one for fun. It is inspired by 30+ years of beer can collecting and having tried more than 3,000 different American beers during that time. “. . . And beer was drunk with reverence, as it ought to be.” — G. K. Chesterton

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's Pumpkin Season

Now that pumpkin harvests have taken place, it is time for enjoying pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and a few pumpkin-flavored ales. This is one of the benefits of the advent of craft brewing over the last 30 years, the availability of spiced lagers and ales in the fall and winter season.

Five pumpkin ales that are available here (in the Atlanta area) are:

I will check later for reviews of these and other possible available brands in the southeast.

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